Bridging Heaven and Earth
Welcome, Aloha, Bonjour,
I am a business and spiritual mentor, and wisdom keeper, bridging heaven and earth.
The soul world and the physical world are not oppositional but inextricably intertwined. We are multi-dimensional beings. As a bridge, I am here to help you clarify your vision, so you can evolve and grow, at multiple levels, in integrity aligned with values and vision.
I work with people, like you, who are at the crossroads in their lives. It’s like a huge crossroad signal, in the middle of nowhere. You have two options, left or right, in opposite directions. Deep down you know. It’s now or never you need to take that leap but “things” are holding you back.
My intent is to help you move through the veils of who you ‘“think” you are, or think you “should” be. Together we will embark on a Vision Quest, a soul journey to remember who you are and plant the seed of the new dream.
We are One. Let’s bridge Heaven and Earth. Let’s walk this path together.
Sonia Ratto Ferrer